Monday, February 23, 2015

Dear Winchester

Dear Winchester,
I love you! Despite the fact that you sit on me when I’m sleeping, you get hair on everything, eat anything edible I leave unattended, and run around the house meowing at the top of your lungs when you’re bored (but sometimes it’s fun to trip you when you do that). So why do I love you then?
My partner in crime
First of all, I remember when my family and I found you. It was some time in August, 2013. We were walking next to Winchester Lake, Idaho when we heard something that sounded like a baby bird squawking. Turns out it was you, abandoned by an someone that had been staying there at Winchester State Park earlier that week. We took you with us back to our trailer and fed you trout. Since dad loves orange cats, there was no debate on whether or not we should keep you.
Also, I love cuddling with you. Sometimes Jenni and I fight over you and sometimes I have to hold you hostage with a ransom from her. I think you’re the coolest cat in the cave and I know you think that too. I can tell by the way you glare at people when they come over. It’s hilarious when you’re drinking from the toilet and almost fall in.

Another thing I remember is Christmas 2014 when you got your presents. One of your presents was an electric mouse that would whirl around in a circle making squeaking noises. It scared you so much that you ran away from it to under the pews. You loved your other present though, the colorful jingle bells that you chased all around the house. So cute!
As you can see, I don’t love you because one specific reason. I love you because you meow at me when I come home from school or swimming. I love you because your orange fur and green eyes are the most gorgeous things in the whole entire world. I love you because you are one of my favorite parts of my life. I love you because you’re the cat every girl wants, but you’re mine.
Jill LeeAnna

Winchester and I 

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