Friday, March 20, 2015

Dear KOTN: The Boy Who Cried for Help

Dear KOTN,
My friends are starting to do bad activities like fights, drugs, and even alcohol. They are going to parties  drinking and doing all these things that are not fit for our age. Im totally against it but their
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is all the peer pressure running through my head saying “Come on. It will be fine.” or please just try it! I won't do bad things but I love my friends so that the peer pressure is getting worse and worse. So please KOTN, how do I solve this problem? Just please HELP!!!

From The Boy Who Cried for Help

Dear The Boy Who Cried for Help,
 I am also an 8th grade boy and I have some friends and siblings that do some of those things as well.  If your friends ask you to fight someone do drugs, or alcohol and even parties with alcohol and all the stuff that doesn't fit our age, just tell them no im not going to do drugs or drink alcohol. If there's a party ask them if it involves drugs or alcohol. If it involves drugs and alcohol just tell them no and walk off, and just come up with an excuse, give them an excuse like I have homework or I had other plans tonight. If you don't want to lie to them just tell them no if there's alcohol I am not going with you guys. I hope this helped you!!

Sincerely KOTN

Dear KOTN: Traffic Jam

Dear KOTN,
I'm having troubles going through the hall to get to my next class. How could I get there quicker?
            From, Traffic Jam

Dear Traffic Jam,
It is very common for students not making it to class on time. Usually they have to go to their locker to get something, use the restroom, walk all the way across the school, get distracted by talking to friends, or just because other students are crowding the hallways, and are walking very slow. You obviously have a short four minutes to get to your next class. Whether your classes are right next to each other, all the way up the stairs, or even across the school, it is very easy to get there with the time you have so you don’t get marked tardy. Students commonly are late for class because they have to use the restroom, and during passing time it is hard for students to go to the restroom, and then all the way to their classroom without being tardy.
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Always make sure to go to the restroom at times where you know you won’t be late for class, for example in the morning before school, during lunch, or after school, or even during class just use your planner, so you know for sure that you won’t be late. Another reason people are late for class is because they have to go back to their locker to get something for one of their classes. To reduce being late for class for this reason, have all your required materials with you at all times, even if it’s only something you need for one class. It is very important to try to keep yourself from going to your locker repeatedly throughout the day because it is a big cause of being late for class. The last reason is usually because you get distracted by talking to your friends. You can normally wait to talk to your friend, because it usually isn't super important. Just wait until lunch, or another time to talk to them so you don’t risk being late for class. I really hope that these tips will help you out with not being late for class anymore. These are a few things that keep me from being late, and hopefully if you follow them they’ll help you as well!

Sincerely, KOTN

Dear KOTN: Self Conscious

Dear KOTN,

Lately I’ve thought a lot about what others think of me. I am always self conscious about what I’m wearing, how my hair looks, and what shoes I have. It bothers me that I think this way and want to not have to worry about what people think of me. Any advice?
Sincerely, Self Conscious

Dear Self Conscious,

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Caring what people think of you isn’t always the worst thing there is. You don’t want to dress down everyday because you don’t care. Strangers are the best critics because they have no idea who you are and they judge you just on your looks and how you act around them. Friends won’t say bad things about you because they don’t want to hurt your feelings.Being bothered by EVERYTHING though that might be a little issue. If people start looking at you with their neered eyes, put a smile on your face and walk past them with confidence.Kill them with kindness. Just tell yourself you don’t care. People will give you judgemental looks, but if you think you look great then you shine in you spotlight.

Sincerely, KOTN

Dear KOTN: No Incentive

Dear KOTN,
As I go through middle school it seems like more and more kids aren’t turning their work in how do you propose we fix this?
No Incentive

Dear No Incentive,
I have noticed this problem too so you’re not alone.  I think that teachers should start not accepting late work or at least dock their points on their assignment.  When teachers do this since homework is 30% of your grade over all, the students grades will start to drop and hopefully that will be the push they need to start turning in their work.  If teachers do not feel comfortable to do this they could even give out treats to the people that do their homework to show that if you put in some time then you get rewarded.  If this is not working or teachers can or will not do this, I think that this regular occurrence now falls into the student’s hands.  Some things that you can do to help your fellow classmates is to help them out on their work during advisory then they don’t have a reason to not have it done.  Hopefully these tips helped you and your quest to change this issue.

Dear KOTN, Worry Wort

Dear KOTN,
I am not sure if I should stop my friend from going to this dangerous party. They are going to drink underage. My friend said that he wouldn't talk to me if I tried to stop him.

Worry Wart

Dear Worry Wort,
I would suggest you try your best to stop your friend. You should stop your friend because accidents could happen and serious injuries. Confront your friend by saying he should consider the consequences, like, getting hurt,serious injuries, and possible alcohol poisoning. Tell them that those around you can be affected by an injury or an accident as well as yourself. If your friend still goes to the party hope that they don't get injured and be there as a friend if he still goes. Also as a last resort tell an responsible adult so they can stop the party. But if they don't go and they won't talk to you, give them time and hopefully they see that you did that to save them from the many possibilities of injury.

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Dear KOTN Misunderstood Marvin

Dear KOTN,
I keep misunderstanding teachers and I don't understand why.It seems like everybody else seems to understand them execpt me.I could hear  fine a couple a weeks ago but now I have more days when I cant .Should i keep Doing What i have been doing or go talk to my teachers?
                                By Misunderstood Marvin

Dear Misunderstood Marvin,
I’m glad you are asking about this.It is a very big deal that you are having hearing problems. One of the things you should do first Marvin is go home and tell you parents so then they can make you a hearing appointment so you can get that checked.In the mean time when you go to school and you feel misunderstood then ask a buddy in the class what the teacher said or you can go  up to your teacher and ask if you can move to a different spot  where you can hear.Well I hope these tips will help you with your problem.

Dear KOTN That Student

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Dear KOTN,
I have some problems. I don’t know what to do. People make fun of me because I am not very good at school.

From, That Student

Dear That Student,
I am so sorry people are picking on you about this. It is too bad others would tease you about your intelligence. You should not let the bullies get to you. If people keep bothering you, you should tell them to stop because it is hurting your feelings. It is not right for others to pick on you and you should most definitely stand up for yourself. Make sure you have confidence. It will help the situation drastically. As far as academics go, you can study hard outside of class and do extra problems on assignments to ensure you know what you are learning. If things don't start to improve, you should talk to an adult or counselor. Having other people know about your situation can be a big help. Good luck!

-From: KOTN

Dear KOTN, Homework Problems

Dear KOTN,
I’m a girl in middle school and I’m having terrible trouble with tests. I study yet I still get failing grades. What do you do? How do I get my grades up?
From, Homework Problems

Dear Homework Problems,
I’m sorry you’re having trouble keeping up with your grades in school. First, what you should do is get organized. You should get a calendar or planner to help you keep track of your assignments and stay organized. Organizing your locker and backpack is a good way to keep your grades up so you don’t lose assignments and keep them all in check. The next thing you should do is make a study schedule. These help you plan when your going to do your assignments, and a day where you can study and catch up on your work.
Next step in getting good grades, is studying. Studying is big part of getting good grades. If you're getting bad grades but you are studying, then you should try a different way of studying. Study in places you feel comfortable, like if you like to study with music on, study with music on! If you feel like you don’t study well by yourself, study with friends! You should read your textbook if you feel like you're not getting something, and don’t be afraid to ask for help from your teacher or some friends.
Participate in class, and make sure to take good notes, stay organized and study effectively and efficiently so you really absorb the information. You should also use memory tricks to help you memories answers, like using code names or remembering the first letter of the answer. Don’t cram on tests the night before, because it just stresses you out. Make sure to relax and get a good night’s sleep! Good luck!
From, KOTN

Dear K.O.T.N. Old Eighth Grader

Dear K.O.T.N,
Cartoon Boxing Gloves Clipart Cartoon boxing glovesI don’t know what to do. My teacher told me today that I will not pass the eighth grade if I don’t get my grades up, but the problem is, there is only like two months left and I’m not sure how to bring them up. I’ve never had this problem before. Please help me!
   Old Eighth Grader

Dear Old eighth grader.
As much as I would like to tell you that getting your grades up so that you’ll pass the eighth grade will be fun or easy, I can’t. Getting your grades up to acceptable ones aren’t very easy nowadays, especially since we no longer get extra credit, but I’m here to help and guide you through it. First off, if you just want to raise your grades by a little bit because you’re only a few points from passing, then all you should have to do is study and pass all of the upcoming tests. If you have higher expectations than that, I suggest that you try and retake some or maybe all of your previous tests that you didn’t do so great on. Either way, you will most likely end the school year with a passing grade, and move on to the ninth grade.

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Dear KOTN, Fashion Challenged

Dear KOTN,
At school today, I was teased because I wasn’t wearing name brand clothing. It seems like everyone at school has clothes from the popular stores and I don’t. I know I can just purchase some new clothes, but everyone has been shopping at the “in” stores for years and have quite the collection of cool clothes. It will take me forever to have a closet like everyone else. Any advice?

-Fashion Challenged

Dear Fashion Challenged,
My advice to you would be just to ignore the people that are teasing you by what you wear. What you wear shouldn’t matter to other people because you are your own person. Those people are judging the book by its cover or in other words judging people by their clothes. Just because people have more clothes than you and a better closet doesn’t make them any better than you. Just be yourself! There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being yourself, wearing what you want to wear, and doing what you want to do because you are your own person. If it’s still bothering you, you could tell a parent, guardian, or teacher about the bullying so they can help you with the problem. I hope my advice helped you. Good luck!


Dear KOTN: Double Take

Dear KOTN,
My friends are always confusing me and my twin. We always tell them what our names are but they never seem to listen to us. I want to do something about it, but I don’t want to hurt their feelings. HELP!
Double Take

Dear Double Take,
Having a twin should be extraordinary, not awful. If you want people to tell you apart, get a new hair style or shape your eyebrows differently. Adopt a signature look or style like sporty (think basketball shorts/ yoga pants) or classic (think mod dresses/ Peter Pan collars). Another way is to point out to your friends a birthmark, mole, or freckle. Show them the differences you two have.

Watch this video with twins that were separated at birth.

Dear Blind Bailee

Dear KOTN,

There is this boy that I really liked and I thought he really liked me, but then one day we just stopped talking and like three days later he is dating someone else. I still like him, but I don't really know what to do. This kind of situation has happened to me before WITH THE SAME GUY. I dont know why I keep going back to him, how can I get over him?

Blind Bailee

Dear Blind Bailee,

I understand that this has happened before and what I suggest is that you simply find what makes you happy and feel beautiful and put yourself first rather than him. You should also try and find out what you are doing wrong or what you can change to make you feel good. If this guy cant see how amazing you are, you shouldn't change for him, but change for yourself. I hope this advice has helped you to get over that guy.

KOTN staff

Dear KOTN: Netflix My Problem

Dear KOTN,
Lately, I have found my Netflix queue filling up. Indie movies, “romcoms”, tv shows, documentaries, etc!! I want to watch all the movies and television shows! I never have anytime to look through everything on my queue and I cannot find where to start or what to pick.:( Please help!
-Netflix My Problem

Dear Netflix My Problem,
I've had this exact problem myself. Luckily, I've already looked through the queue and found a lot of T.V. shows and movies. I’m not 100% sure what kinds of movies you’re into, but, I’ll list all my favorites into separate genres. I hope these movies/TV shows will help!(:
- From KOTN

The Den     Carrie     You’re Next     The Blair Witch Project     Paranormal Activity(s)
      The Switch     Revenge of the Bridesmaids     Dumb & Dumber     Mean Girls 1 & 2
TV Shows                                                                                          
Pretty Little Liars     Switched at Birth     The Fosters      The Walking Dead         
American Horror Story     New Girl
Amber Alert     The Final     Into the Darkness          
   Ghost Protocol     The Hunger Games     The Avengers                                               
Myth Hunters     The Cosmos
Stupid Movies
Sharknado 1     Sharknado 2     The Starving Games           

Dear KOTN~Lips Sealed

Dear KOTN,
Drama! Why do we have so much drama? Have you ever told someone a secret and they promised they wouldn't tell but,then the go and tell everyone, or people start rumors? How can we fix this problem.
Sincerely~Lips Sealed

Dear Lips Sealed,
Well as Taylor Swift says “The Haters gonna hate;and the Fakers gonna fake” and that’s the truth. You can’t always trust everybody. There was this one girl, she was one of my really good friends and then a year ago she just turned on me and quit being nice and she was spreading untrue lies about me. I don’t really know how to end this whole issue that this age group experiences. I have tried to kill them with kindness or tell them untrue things but, it never works. This is a problem where if it gets really bad talk to your parents and then to the school or any adult that can help. This is a form of bullying and bullying is not acceptable for the bully or the “Victim” that doesn't do anything to stop it. We are already losing self esteem at this age might as well try to help someone rather than hurt them. I believe that this issue can be stopped we all just have to figure out how not to get caught up in all that drama.
Sincerely~The KOTN Staff :)

Dear KOTN: Stuck In Between

Dear KOTN,
What do you do when you are stuck in between? You have two friends and they completely hate each other. One is nice and funny, while the other can be mean but you have known her for so long and don't want to give up on the friendship. They ask you to pick between the two….what do you do?
Stuck In Between

Dear Stuck In Between,
I can tell your two friends are both obviously important to you so you could tell them how you feel and that you like them both and would not like choose between them. You could ask them to work it out. If they still want you to choose between them then decide which friend treats you better and you have more fun with. So try not to get caught up in the middle so you don’t get blamed. Hopefully this advice can help your predicament.
