Through out my three years in Sunridge Middle School, I have seen most of the problems that Sunridge Middle School faces, but not enough participation is one of the worst. I see this everyday in my P.E. classes where people are just standing around not doing the exercises like they are supposed to. Not enough participation has taken over Sunridge Middle School. This affects them at school and with their grades. Even raising your hand to answer a question in math class would be just enough participation. Even though people say that not enough participation does not affect the learning experience of students, it does because it doesn't give the learning experience that the students need. This could be fixed by more hands on classes and making assignments fun.
Lastly, making assignments fun would also help with better participation. Participation is the act of being part of something, which all kids should be part of school and their school work. All kids just want to do is have fun all day long. Justin, SMS 8th grader says that the biggest problem facing SMS students today would be not enough participation in the students. He explained that the solution to this would be making classes fun and rewarding the kids who do good and participate like free class time and fun activities to do when you have all your work done. Playing educational games, having the class do the assignment together, and having them do labs would make participation in SMS better than expected.
This problem will get bigger and bigger if we don't try to control it. Students want to follow other people around them so if their friends don’t want to participate, they won’t either. If we take this problem serious we could take participation to a whole nother level that changes SMS students for as long as this school stands. To fix this problem the school should get more classes that will get the kids to work even harder. If this problem is solved it will make it easier on the teacher’s lives. If kids participate more other schools would want to know how we do it and students would want to go to SMS. Sunridge Middle School would have no problem participating in fixing this problem.
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