Thursday, May 21, 2015

Better Activities=Better Grades

Being a student can be very stressful, such as when we get test after test thrown at us usually more than one a day.  With all of these tests and other stress inducers students deserve a break.  At first the teachers and principal came up with a great idea to let us have some free time or as they would call it advisory, but then that even became a homework/work time.  Even though, some people may need that time to get their work done many do not and those people end up working just like a regular class period or going to a sorry excuse for an activity that some adult made to get the extra students out of their hair. This is why students desperately need a stress reliever and that reliever could be better activities.  Some people may think that activities just take up valuable time.  However, that is not the case studies have shown that activities help the students concentrate, but this activity time does not have to be in advisory.  The adults could make better activities during the lunch time also.  
In other words, the effect that takes place because of the little to no activities.  The students may have dropping grades, bad behavior, and it may even affect home life.  Just because the school has created activities, does not mean that the students want to do activities that are there.  Try adding in more sports or an empty classroom where the students can play board games or even play on a device.  Best of all the teachers don’t have to do all of this on their own as Yeager said in the interview “Me, katie, and kaiya can make this happen!”
Alternatively, maybe the school can’t put in these activities during advisory.  They can always fit these in during lunch.  Lunch is great time for these activities because it is our own time and leaves advisory wide open for work.  During lunch instead of making the all the students go outside after eating have a choice.  Then for the people who chose to stay inside can play board games or just let them be.  While outside have a wide variety of this to do such as frisbee, soccer, flag football, etc.  As said by Barhyte “The principal could help to make longer lunches.”

Furthermore,  activities are a big deal to have in school because it helps to reduce stress and it will also help to build friendships not just in school but out too.  The school could get students to help out will this problem and come up with ideas.  The more students to help the more activities created and that means more activities to apply to more students.  If the teachers and other faculty go about this problem right then over all everyone will happy.

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