Monday, June 17, 2013

Penny Surfing

Are you ready? Because I am about to introduce you to the most amazing new sport in the world. This sport is called penny surfing. What is it? Well, to start out, you get a bunch of pennies that you might find laying around your house and get in the car, with an adult driving of course. Then, you get going about 50 or 60 miles per hour. After that, you hold a penny on your index finger and hold it out the window. Finally, you let go of the penny. The wind resistance should hold it on. Then, you are free to do whatever you want. It’s cheap, fun, and entertaining on long car rides or boring summer days. Just crank up the tunes and surf in the comfort of your car for a penny. It may take you a few tries at first, but once you get it, it is totally worth it. I have tried it personally and it works every time for me. Once, my sister, two brothers, and two cousins went for a drive late at night to penny surf. We bought glow sticks and put the juice from the glow sticks on the pennies. When we surfed that night, it was one of the best experiences I have ever had. All of us listening to our favorite songs and having fun together. So take a chance. A few cents for some great memories. It is completely worth it.

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