Monday, June 17, 2013

New News Now

Dear New News Now,
High Schools coming my way and I’m pretty nervous. I’m nervous about the sophomores, juniors, and seniors bothering me on my appearance. I was never a smart kid in middle school and in high school my classes would count towards what course I may be taking next year if I pass or not.  I guess I’m just a bit bothered that I won’t fit in next year.
                                                                                                                       Nervous and Unprepared

Dear Nervous and Unprepared,
It’s alright to be nervous for your first year of high school; we all are at one point. Don’t be worried about not fitting in and not feeling smart enough. When you start school and aren’t feeling like you aren’t doing well, look for some extra help on your work, and try your best on your work. Don’t worry about high school right now, you have three months to relax and put your worries of school beside.
                                                                                                                              New News Now

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