Friday, June 14, 2013

Dear Fun Forgotten

Dear NNN,
    Summer is coming around and with it brings a problem. During past summers my friends and I  have always gone to the pool to cool off and mess around. That being said we have been able to entertain ourselves at the pool but with all of the intense schoolwork this year, we have forgotten what we did there. I was wondering if you had any suggestions on what to do at the pool that is both new and fun.
                    Fun Forgotten

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Dear Fun Forgotten...
    Sometimes we think that we forget things, but really we always remember. You may just want to try going to the pool and see if it sparks back any old memories. If that doesn’t work you can always come up with new things to do. Going to the pool doesn’t always mean swimming, you can try some classic pool games like Marco Polo, or one of my favorites, King of the Raft, just find a blow up raft, and see who can stay on the longest, without getting flipped, or pushed off. Another game is sweatshirt relays. It’s fun to watch and fun to try. Just put a sweatshirt on, jump in the pool and see who can make it to the other side the fastest. These are only a few pool games, but remember you can expand your summer outside of the pool. Go to the park with a group of friends, and play backyard baseball, or hit up the local ice cream shop with your buddies. In the summer, the possibilities are endless, it’s all about how you chose to have fun.
            Yours truly,

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