Friday, June 14, 2013

Dear NNN

Dear NNN,
I have been having some problems dealing with my parents lately. They are control freaks! Always barging in, telling me what to do, asking me to spend time with them. I really don’t like it! I just don’t know how to tell them to step off.
Love, the Notorious Shizzle Hizzle from the Dizzle

Dear, the Notorious Shizzle Hizzle from the Dizzle,

Everyone has issues with their parents. Some want to spend more time with their parents. Some want to spend no time with their parents. You just have to remember that they are family, and family should always come first. You could just ask for them to set three or four days a week aside so you can have some you time. Just try not to hurt their feelings. You have to understand that your parents want to be close to their son/daughter, throw them a bone once and awhile. Go watch a movie, ride bikes, or even just ask them for help on your homework can really make for some great bond time. You might even find that you like your parents after a while!  I hope things work out!

Love, NNN

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