Monday, June 17, 2013

Dear Slowpoke
Dear NNN,

    I went to a swim meet this weekend and did great in all my events but one, the 50 freestyle. As I was watching my 12 year old cousin, and a 9 year old friend, they both got 38 seconds. As they finished, I was talking to my coach and saying I will get a 37 or 36. I got done racing and found a great disappointment. I had got 39 seconds. What do I do to get faster than two little kids?

~ Slowpoke

Dear Slowpoke,

    It doesn’t matter how old you are, it’s the ability you have. You might not be a sprinter, you might be a distance swimmer. Find your stroke. It was only one meet and there’s plenty of them to make your time better. When you get older, you only focus on a couple, so that won’t be yours. If you want it to be, then just keep practicing. Don’t worry about just one event, you have many more to choose from and get good at. Find what you’re good at and make sure you enjoy doing it. Swimming is a great sport and be happy you get to do it. Keep calm and swim on!

         ~ NNN  

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