Thursday, October 31, 2013

Free as a Bird

As a thirteen year old I have many goals. One of my goals is to visit Liverpool, England. I would like to visit Liverpool because I find it as a very interesting place to visit. I don’t travel much but when I do it’s to nearby places such as California or Mexico. I also have a lot of interests like photography, music, and culture. Photography is interesting to me because of all the different varieties. My favorite kind of photography is nature, I love the way a sunset comes out in a picture. Dreams are one of my favorite things you can do whatever you want. It’s like your dream world that you can totally control. I prefer daydreaming instead of reality.  On my bucket list I plan to face my fear of heights and go skydiving. I have a few dislikes such as glasses. I hate wearing my glasses so I’m very blind. I live by the quote free as a bird. It means to be live as you want, don’t let anyone else control your life. I’m hispanic although my spanish isn’t very good, but I plan to take spanish in high school. Being hispanic has taught me many things such as traditional events like a quincenera. I plan to have when when I’m fifteen, but I’m not completely sure yet. This year I’m going to bring my intrest of photography to publications and take photos of the great year its going to be.

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