I went to a private elementary school for a few years and so when I was going back to public school I was really worried,nervous and anxious.I did not really know what to do with myself!Throughout the years I began to meet new people and make new friends.6th grade seemed to go by pretty fast and the next thing I knew I was in 7th grade.
During 7th grade there were also many changes, new hallway,new teachers,new locker,and on top of that we were mixed in with the 8th graders too .It was so weird walking down the hall with all these people that are so much taller than me! I finally got use to it.Now that I am in 8th grade at the top I remember that when I was in 6th grade I was so excited to be an 8th grader.
School ends in a couple weeks and I'm going to be moving on to high school and I am very excited for that but a little nervous also.The school is so much bigger than the middle school,but I know that it's just another journey I get to write about and I can already tell there is going to be way bigger mountains to climb,and oceans to swim in.But I know I will make it out,no matter what I have to do!
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