Riddle Me This?
Test your friends and family with these riddles.
Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it?
Which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?
What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment, yet never in a thousand years?
The letter m
What is always coming, but never arrives?
I can be stolen or given away and you will live, yet you cannot live without me.
Your heart
You cannot see me, hear me, or touch me. I lie behind the stars and alter what is real, I am what you really fear. Close your eyes and I come near. What am I?
the dark
With thieves I consort, With the vilest, in short, I’m quite at ease in depravity;
Yet all divines use me, And savants can’t lose me, For I am the center of gravity
The letter v
Voiceless it cries, Wingless flutters, Toothless bites, Mouthless mutters.
Each morning I appear, To lie at your feet,, All day I will follow, No matter how fast you run, Yet I nearly perish, In the midday sun.
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