Thursday, June 11, 2015

Summer Madlib

Image result for summer clip art

Fill in all the blanks with your own words. Have fun in the sun this year.:)

This summer _____________ is going to have a fun _________ with their
name      season

friend _______________.  They are going to go to _____________,
          name place

______________ and ________________.  Then __________
Place                         Place        name

broke their ________ so they could not do all the fun activities in
body part

________________. Then ________________found out that they could read
  Summer               name

_________ and watch _________. __________ read so many books that he
noun noun name

was smarter by the end of the year before _______________ started. 
____________ last year's teacher Mr. _____________ had told _________that he
noun name name

had improved on his ____________. They wrote a paper the first day of school 

they had to tell Mr.________________ what they did all _____________. 
name season

_____________Told Mr.

_____________ that they broke their ____________. The next ______________
name body part season

their friend  and him did_______________, _______________ and ___________
verb   verb verb

again and they _________ more books, and they were very __________.
verb adjective

Summer Crossword

crossword 001.jpg

Summer Blues

Dear Summer,
I love how the pool opens when you come around and how the flowers start to bloom.I love how animals come out.But I do hate the mosquitoes you bring. Sometimes I wonder why you're so hot but I guess it’s to get back at winter for being so cold.Although you are so hot the vacation you bring gives me time to spend with my family and i'm very grateful for that. I do hate the sun burns you give me as well but it's okay as long as it turns into a tan after words. I love how the nights get longer the bon fires start the sleepovers with all of your friends I’m also very thankful for the get togethers with everyone we haven't seen in a long time and new friendships beginning.Summer you're amazing and I hope to make this a summer I’ll never forget by creating amazing memories with my friends and family and hopefully make it wonderful!

Sincerely your biggest fan,



Things to do During Summer Break

Things to do during summer break

Summer break is right around the corner, and most people don't have plans yet. Without plans your summer might just feel like a lifetime. Because you may not have plans for your summer break, here is a list of 30 things to do if and when you are bored:

  1. Link to photo
    Ride a bike
  2. Go to the park
  3. Jump on your trampoline
  4. Play video games
  5. Draw with chalk
  6. Go swimming
  7. Hangout with friends
  8. Watch Netflix
  9. Eat
  10. Sleep
  11. Eat some more
  12. Dance
  13. Exercise
  14. Throw a sleepover with a few friends
  15. Watch Youtube videos
  16. Read a book
  17. Draw
  18. Make new friends
  19. Go on a road trip
  20. Hangout with your family
  21. Make a lemonade stand
  22. Go fishing
  23. Make a bucket list and complete as much as possible
  24. Go tanning
  25. Go to the beach
  26. Go to a concert
  27. Have a water balloon fight
  28. Go camping
  29. Play your favorite sport
  30. Learn something new

Catching the Killer

Detective Bobby approaches the scene as he notices a dead body on the sidewalk. This calls for an investigations by Crime Scene Investigators, he begins his job after alerting other officers and detectives about the tragedy. Crime Scene Investigators have so many jobs to do during their investigations. There are so many steps and processing into trying to figure out one important thing from all of the evidence that is on the crime scene. Step by step, everything that they notice and gather all leads to one thing. Crime scene investigators are specially trained police officers that are dispatched to a crime scene to analyze and document evidence. Their duties consist of detection, collection, preservation, packaging, transportation, and documentation of physical evidence left on a crime scene.
Image result for crime scene
Link To Photo
To begin with, the first officer at the crime scene is in charge of protecting it. They will stand guard to make sure none of the evidence is messed with. To keep people from destroying or ruining any of the evidence they put up tape around the perimeter of the crime scene. They then walk through and take notes on any theories that they have of what might have of what happened. They search for obvious clues of what may have caused the catastrophe. In the article “The Day In The Life of a Crime Scene Investigator” by Giselle Tattrie, “Some of the evidence he or she will look for might include defense wounds if a struggle occurred or bloodstain patterns that might indicate if the body was moved.” They then check the body temperature to estimate the time of death, and get ready to transport the body and evidence to where they begin the study smaller evidence that may consist of fingerprints, wound openings and other clues to determine how they died, and who, if anyone, murdered them.
In conclusion I find this very interesting because of how all of the little steps, and pieces of evidence that they can find so much information. I think it’s crazy how it is almost impossible to not get away from murder do to all of the work done by crime scene investigators to find the murderer. I learned all of the little pieces of what it takes to be a crime scene investigator and I find it very interesting. I think that it is not the most important thing that everyone needs to know, but it is important to some people. I think it would be interesting to go through the process of finding one thing out from a series of smaller pieces, and this might just be a career I will look into in the future.

Summer Bucket List

Photo Link
During the summer, some people find themselves out of activities. Don’t worry, I have a list of fun things that you should do that will put an end to your boredom.

For example:

1. Go for a walk

2. Play at the pool

3. Shopping

4. Have a spa day

5. Visit the coast or the beach

6. Take a vacation

7. Hang out with friends

8. Go swimming or boating at the reservoir

9. Go to McDonald’s and get a strawberry lemonade smoothie

10. Watch Netflix

11. Have family fun

12. Visit distant family members and catch up

13. Read or start a new book

14. Help out the community by volunteering or starting a club

15. Make or get a treat and enjoy it with friends/family

Fun Summer Crossword

Summer Fun

Find all the words below. They might be spelled going up, down, left, right, or even backwards.

S G N I M M I W S 
V U R T S U I T L 
A H N S A N L E A 
C C Z F I H M Q D 
A A X K L O N S N 
T E I S N O T U A 
I B T A E S W N S 
O A D T R A V E L 
N E P I C N I C R 

Summer Hidden Word


Directions: Fill out the blanks and find the hidden word! Good Luck!

  1. a dish of ice cream with added ingredients such as fruit, nuts, syrup, and whipped cream.
_ _ _ _ _ _
2.  a cream or lotion rubbed onto the skin to protect it from the sun.
              _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. an island in central Hawaii
_ _ _ _
4.  unpleasantly warm and humid

_ _ _ _ _
5. a pebbly or sandy shore, especially by the ocean between high- and low-water marks.
_ _ _ _ _
6. the seed-bearing part of a plant, consisting of reproductive organs (stamens and carpels) that are typically surrounded by a brightly colored corolla (petals) and a green calyx (sepals).
_ _ _ _ _ _

Hidden Word :

_ _ _ _ _ _
1   2   3  4  5    6