Black Friday Bootcamp
Black Friday is a night people spend days preparing for. Do you think you're ready for the madness and confusion you're sure to face? Some people think that Black Friday is a waste of time. For others Black Friday means war. I've been Black Friday shopping ever since I was a little girl. Every year it seems to be more like a fight fest then a day for discounted shopping.
First things first is you have to have a army. Call your friends, aunts, cousins, and neighbors because if you’re planning on getting the very best presents for your family you need lots of well trusted recruits. Once you have all the people you need it's time to get together to make a tactical plan. You should have a list of all the gifts you need to get. Then assign certain people to different gifts. Give them the location of the gifts and make sure they have a phone or some way to get ahold of you once they get it. Communication is essential if you want to stay organized!
Next is attire. You're going to be pushing and fighting with grandmas, moms, and crazy aunts wanting to get the best gifts for their loved ones. You should wear comfortable clothes like sweats and a sweatshirt. If you are going to wear a t-shirt then it should be longsleeve. You may get scratches and bruises if you don’t cover up your skin. Also comfortable shoes are high priority. You need shoes you can run and stand in for awhile. Finally, once everyone has their gifts you need a place to meet up. The lines are going to be long and confusing. If you don’t stay together then it will take twice as long as it should to get through the lines.
If you stick to all these instructions then Black Friday won’t be as hard, or as scary, as it seems. Many people don’t even go to Black Friday because they believe it's too much hassle. But they are the brave few who risk it to get all the deals they have waited a year for. Hopefully you can be one of the few that makes it through this eventful night without a scratch on their body. Link for Photo