Fill in all the blanks with your own words. Have fun in the sun this year.:)
This summer _____________ is going to have a fun _________ with their
name season
friend _______________. They are going to go to _____________,
name place
______________ and ________________. Then __________
Place Place name
broke their ________ so they could not do all the fun activities in
body part
________________. Then ________________found out that they could read
Summer name
_________ and watch _________. __________ read so many books that he
noun noun name
was smarter by the end of the year before _______________ started.
____________ last year's teacher Mr. _____________ had told _________that he
noun name name
had improved on his ____________. They wrote a paper the first day of school
they had to tell Mr.________________ what they did all _____________.
name season
_____________Told Mr.
_____________ that they broke their ____________. The next ______________
name body part season
their friend and him did_______________, _______________ and ___________
verb verb verb
again and they _________ more books, and they were very __________.
verb adjective