Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Just Say NO!!!!

There's drama,bullying,bad lunches,too much homework,fighting in the halls, in every school that you go, but what can I do? Or what can we do as students at SMS? I went around the school and asked 6th, 7th and 8th graders what are the biggest problems at Sunridge Middle School .My opinion is that their too many bad things going on in our school but the top one that wins is drugs. I went to around the school and here were are some of the answers I got out of them.  
Brooklyn Lunny said her problem was ”Bullying” and her solutions “were to speak up and tell an adult.” I asked who can help us with stopping this “ she replied with “counselor,teachers” but Kalan Mcglothan said “ Drugs.” I agreed a 100%. With her like she said” one of the main people with stopping from doing drugs is good parents that are involved.” But for the 7th graders "Drama "said Ulyaianna Guerrero her solution was to get the negative and bring the positive about the other person. We have brains but sometimes I feel that people don’t use them. I wish we the students have rights saying stop that's not good,but today our community is falling and turning the opposite way of good. Drama is the one stresser that can turn you to doing drugs.
I will be in high school next September and there are going to be so many people who do it the first time or have already done it. It's very hard to see how the parents can just see their kids start doing drugs. I have never understood why this is?
In this world we call life ,there's people who will beat you to your knees,you need to stand tall  and fight that thing that can kill you. I believe that drugs are the things that get kids into hospital because they stressed or they can't stop. The most common book is Fault In Our Stars and Augustus Waters the main character quotes “you put that killing thing between your teeth, but you don't give it the power to do its killing” .Enjoy life while you still can ,and don't let those people beat you to your knees and force you to make a bad decisions that can change your life.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

SMS Problems of The Year


Being in Sunridge Middle School for three years now, you learn that there are a lot of flaws and problems in this school. For one, air conditioning. It gets really hot in the school especially towards the end of May and beginning of June. But of course, after the 8th graders this year leave, the school will be getting air conditioning. That’s just one problem, but it does seem to be a problem for all the students, 6th through 8th grade. This year SMS has a new grading system, and in my opinion, I don’t like it one bit. Instead of having one grade and have everything you do in class be based on that one grade, you have two grades, a personal management grade and an academic grade. This year I have been slacking on my homework because personal management doesn’t affect my academic grade. If we had only one grade like last year, then I would be on top of things and get my homework done every night.
As I went around asking students what the biggest problems in SMS are, I heard a lot about the new grading system. When I asked Kyra Ford she said, “The personal management. We should go back to the old grading system like last year. I think that Mr. Yoshioka could help out easily and he should change it back to the old grading system.” Another problem is laziness, which the new grading system has a connection with. Domanic Stovall said, “Students don’t do their homework. Now that we have two grades, our personal management grade is based on our homework. Since students don’t really care about their personal management, they get lazy and don’t do their homework.”
All in all, SMS isn’t a perfect school. It has it’s flaws but it does have some positives. Like next year they will be getting air conditioning, which is good. But the new grading system needs to go, and that’s not just my opinion, it’s most of the students’ in the school’s opinion. Sunridge is a great school and I hope everyone else thinks so too.

SMS Problems

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One of the biggest problems facing Sunridge Middle School students is the dress code, says seventh grader Alondra Gomez. The dress code isn't fair. Girls shouldn't have to cover up so boys won’t get distracted and get a good education. Girls should have an equal chance for a  good education too. There are  no rules that only apply to boys about what they can wear. Many girls feel this is unfair and the rules are uncalled for. One of these rules is no bra straps showing. I”m sure a bra strap won’t distract a boy. Many girls don’t find saggy pants distracting but they do find it annoying. There are many other rules that are unfair but some are actually needed. There are limits to the freedom to dress how you want because students shouldn’t come with just underwear on. To solve this problem their needs to be some kind of fair vote between all students. Or a petition that can be signed students, teachers, and parents can help with this.
The second biggest problem that was mentioned when I was interviewing students was too many tests. Students have seven classes a day and that means there are. This can add up to seven tests a week. In other cases students have multiple tests in one class. The students don’t have time to study for  seven or more tests a week with after school activities or just getting a break. If school isn’t for sleeping them home shouldn’t be for more school work to do, says one student. Many people agree they need time at home to just relax instead of worrying about studying for tests plus homework. Teenagers need time at home to watch Netflix, sleep, eat, hang out with friends, sports, and to just relax at home. One solution to this problem is teachers setting up a schedule for testing. Teachers and students can help with this.
In conclusion I believe you can’t fix every little problem, but these are fixable problems. We can give girls equal rights on the dress code with a petition  or some kind of vote. Also we can limit the amount of tests with the help of students and teachers.                                                                                                                                                                                

Monday, June 9, 2014

Change Ahead

Many students want to get their voice out about what is something that would make school a much better place to be,and enjoy coming to.I think that there are many problems,but the main one  to me is bullies and it horrible the thing that they do to people and it's not okay!They hurt people so much and one solution is no drama because drama leads to bullying.So here is some of the problems and solutions that will make SMS a much better place for students to enjoy!
8th grader Shelby Smith says, ”There are way too many slackers in school,and it's not just the students fault,it's also the teachers. If they would just make it fun in the classroom students would want to pay attention if .If they get to go to class and enjoy being there.and it's not just because that cute boy sits next to them.”8th grader Emmitt May said that, “Drugs are pretty bad for middle schoolers,and you shouldn't be doing drugs in middle school,but you also shouldn't do drugs ever! I think that a solution to this would be a drug tests.You should not be able to play sports if you don't pass the drug test. Mr.Hamby would be a great person to ask for help with this.”7th grader Breanna Spencer said,”Electronic devices are a problem because,too many students have them and they don't need to bring them to school and show them off,and  they are just like any other toy.You can simply just not allow them in the school.Teachers and parents can help with this.”7th grader Ryan Stahl says,” Cheating is a huge problem and I'm tired of everyone copying off of me and I am done.A simple solution,get dividers,the teachers and school district can help.” 6th grader Lane Maher says,”The lunches are horrible I hate them!I don't like eating lunch at school.They can just make better food and Mr.Y can just enforce it to happen.” 6th grader Ashley Zaugg said,”I hate drama,it crushes peoples heart into a million pieces.I think that Briz should listen to the drama more.
So I hope that some of these will change.Even if just one thing change it will help SMS.

Sunridge problems

Here at sunridge we all have different problems whether it’s too hot, the work is too hard, the food isn’t cooked enough, some teachers don't explain well enough or the kids don’t have enough time to get from class to their locker back to class. I think most of us can agree about it being way too hot in here.
I think when it's too hot it's hard to concentrate and most of the times the fans don't help so in that case air conditioning would be very helpful. 6th grader Tanner Sweek states that “They could cook the food a little longer and then it would would taste better.”But other students said there was a bigger problem than just the food. No air conditioning but of course we have a dress code so that adds on. “It feels like it's hotter inside than it is outside” Rebecca Bower says. Ashley Hankins says “They need to have less homework since it doesn’t count for a grade.” In my opinion the grading system makes it harder for us.
There might be many more problems but these are the ones that first come to mind. We all know Sunridge has many problems but it’s a great school overall. Being here for three years you learn to overcome all the problems and flaws. Sunridge is a great school.

The Biggest Problems Facing Schools

Many people walk down the halls witnessing bullying everyday. Few stop what they’re doing and actually help out the victim. In fact, “It is estimated that 160,000 children miss school every day due to fear of attack or intimidation by other students” (“Make A Sound For A Voice Unheard” 1). Bullying inside and out of school needs to be stopped as soon as possible. If it's not, the number of suicides, self harming, and substance use around the world with go out the roof. It was found that kids in Sunridge Middle School often thought bullying was the biggest problem facing their school. They also thought that the school should be more alert about when and how to stop bullying if they should see it. A solution would be to bring in speakers to talk about this type of harassment, so that everyone is more aware of it.
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“Most of the teasing that goes on and constant fighting between kids. It gotten to the point where its between being popular and unpopular”. said sixth grader Isaac Cano when questioned with what the biggest problem was at his school. Another student, Brett Swanson, said that “Bullying is a serious situation that hurts students in so many ways”. Lauryn Spicknall, a future eighth grader at Sunridge Middle School stated “I think the biggest problem facing SMS students is the amount of people getting pushed around. Other people need to stop it right when they see it”. Saying unnecessary comments to people whether you think it's rude of not, can harm a person in so many ways. Everyone should be trying to help out a victim, not just a few people. There should be more teachers watching the hall to catch harassment going on, and kids should know where to go in case they see bullying. Next time you see bullying, stop it immediately, or tell someone that could help. Who knows, you could save a life.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Speak up.

Almost every school has a major issue, at Sunridge I believe bullying is  our biggest issue. Four out of six  students that I interviewed also think that bullying is our biggest problem. Each grade had at least one person saying bullying was a problem so it must actually be a big dilemma .

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  Students gave many ways to stop bullying such as, getting help from teachers the moment it happens to you or when you see it happening, also some students said if teachers monitor a little bit more it could help,or maybe even finding another consequence besides suspending them or sending them to ISD. People who could help with this problem is principals,teachers, and even students.
 Another problem that was brought up by 7th grader Samantha Parker she said “students are  being suspended way too much”. Which I agree this year has been the worst for students being suspended.”Students must have just stopped caring that they are bullying people or getting suspended”,said 6th grader Lark MacDonald.This seems very true it does seem like the students at Sunridge have stopped caring if they get in trouble. Getting suspended for some kids is just a way to get to stay home. Those students that get suspended repeatedly are only missing out on getting themselves educated.Being suspended and acting up at school could lead to students dropping out.
  So when  you see someone bullying another person say something to an adult or even the bully.When you see someone doing something that could get them in trouble or suspended tell them to stop so they don’t get in trouble. They may not listen to you but at least you did say something to them that could’ve stopped them from getting in trouble or suspended.


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There are a lot of different problems that SMS students face every day and they don't know what to do about it. One of the biggest problems at Sunridge is keeping up with all of the work.There are a lot small problems at Sunridge but some students said that they believe the biggest problem is bullying and too much work.
These students agree with my problem. They agree that the biggest problem is to much work and they can’t keep up. Quinn Doherty and Mallory Erice said “there are too many tests”. Mallory Erice said that we should do more work in class and Quinn Doherty said to lower the amount of tests. They believe that the teachers could help us with this problem. I agree with this, there are a lot of tests now. A solution is to do more work in class. Also they should change the rules about having 6 tests in 12 weeks that is too many test especially when you have seven classes.   
Also another problem is judging. Kerrie McCulley said “people can't express themselves without being judged”. Her solution to this is to not judge each other. I also agree this is a problem everywhere. You can't make people stop judging you, but a solution is to not listen to them and to not stoop to their level. I believe there are problems everywhere. Also I believe that there is a solution to every problem, but you just have to find it.

SMS Bullying

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In SMS bullying is a big problem. When I went around asking students what they think the biggest problems are, all of the students said bullying. There are more problems but what we need to focus on is bullying. I have had friends who have been bullied and it’s not something anyone should go through.
In the sixth grade hall, Mathias Patrick and Jonathan Lopez said we should have an assembly on bullying. Briz could help out as well as all the teachers in the school. Matthew Demianew said that “People are rude behind others’ back, and we need to get people to get along. Briz and Mr. Y could help out with that too” I think that we should have an assembly and a bully free day. Where no one can get bullied and everybody will be friends. Bullying is one of the biggest problems here, but with hard work and determination we can overcome it.

Too Many Problems

Through the years of middle school we have come across many problems. These problems include bullying, electronics in class, drama, air conditioning, uniforms, the food and many more. Although some of these have gone away for short periods of time they always find a way to come back. Bullying and drama stand out to me than any other. I see drama all through the school and hear about people bullying them. Remington Christensen says “the main problem would be bullying. To stop this, the victim could tell the counselor about the bully.” Bullying has been around for hundreds of years and never seems to go away. Bullying can change a person's life for the worst. I’ve been bullied before along with many others. But the worst part is the bully covered its face and did it over the internet. It never goes away and never feels like it will. But we can end this if we just speak up.  
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On the other hand, the uniforms, not so much as a big problem but a problem to the athletes. The coaches always say they are brand new after years of use. Whenever we travel to different schools their uniforms are always nicer than ours and makes us feel awkward being around “fancy teams”. “Uniforms for the athletics are a big deal to the athletes. We need to spend our money right and the teachers plus the staff could help out for new uniforms,” says Tanner Stephan. We’ve made progress for some sports like volleyball and basketball but track, football, wrestling and cross country still needs a little work. Like I’ve said there is many problems throughout the school. We can try our hardest to change around the negatives into positives. But all it takes it a little effort. In the near future hopefully the staff and principal will see our point of view.


There are a lot of kids facing problems in middle schools and high schools. I know I’ve had some problems with being in middle school.  Soon going off to high school and some of those problems will follow me to the high school. Some of the problems kids said were bullying, teachers, and clothing rules.
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Kids in middle school and high school have all sorts of difficulties. I went and interviewed some 6th, 7th, and 8th grade kids, and they all have had different things to say about the question “What is the major problem facing Sunridge Middle school?”
One kid said that the teachers don't spend enough time on explaining things like they should. They said that a good way for teachers to explain more would be to spend less time on packets, and also things that involve doing it together and not just alone. A 7th grade boy said that not all kids get everything, and some need a little more explaining than other kids. Which I agree one hundred percent with this, I've always been one of those kids that needs a little more help. Things don't come as easily to me as some other kids.
Another problem facing our middle school and high school was bullying. An 8th grade girl said there is a lot of judging going on with kids and some kids struggle with people saying hurtful things about them. You shouldn't judge people based off their looks and personality. They always say “Don’t judge a book by its cover”.
The last problem refers to the SMS clothing rules. A 7th grade girl said that not all rules apply to the boys same as the girls. They don't agree with not being able to show skin, short shorts and tank tops and bra straps are “inappropriate"too. Girls aren't as entitled to wear what they want to school and they are told that they are more distracting and not entitled to a opinion of what they wear. I believe this is so unfair to girls.

Just remember you're entitled to wear what you want and if you're comfortable in it then wear it. Also everyone has struggles in their middle school and high school years your not the only one.